#Xojo crack windows#
Using drag and drop, put the “Untitled Libs” into %Default Folder% from Windows Explorer (or add files manually using Add… button) In Enigma Protector, go to Virtual Box -> Files panel enable it.
#Xojo crack 32 bit#
Merge Xojo runtime to single executable (aka, Advanced protection of Xojo files)Ĭopy the enigma_ide.dll from 32Bit-Xojo-Enigma-API-v1.0 or from the Enigma Protector 32 Bit Installation folder into “I:\Xojo\Enigma\Untitled\Untitled Libs” (in this example).
#Xojo crack trial#
We could stop here and apply licensing or trial settings for protection, but this method has one major disadvantage – the original file is placed in Virtual Box and thus can be extracted by advanced cracker. Make sure that the protected file works at this step (don’t forget to put Xojo runtime located at the folder “Untitled Libs” to the folder where protected executable is located). Then go to Virtual Box – Files panel and add the input file to the %DEFAULT FOLDER% The major note at this step is that names of the input and output files have to be same! Run Enigma Protector, create a new project (which is very important) or open an existing one, go to Input panel and select the input (file to protect) and output (protected) files. To avoid this problem, we should use Virtual Box feature of Enigma Protector and put the original exe file in to %DEFAULT FOLDER% (so when the protected file will read overlay, it will read it from virtual file, which contains correct overlay because it is original file, and not from the protected one, which overlay becomes damaged after protection). Btw, would be good that Xojo developers someday fix this problem and make their files more flexible for such kind of protection. Since overlay data contains a lot of structures with absolute file offsets, after protection the size of the file changes and Xojo runtime is unable to find and read overlay data. The reason of that fail – overlay data, which is the specific data that Xojo appends to the end of exe file. If #1 works for you, please skip the below recommenation.
#Xojo crack how to#
However, we have noticed that there are 2 different types of Xojo applications (unfortunately, do not know the specifics of how to make 1st or 2nd type of files, let’s jsut describe both): Basic protection of Xojo executable & Runtime filesĪs we already said, Xojo executable files are very specific and require specific protection options.
Let’s assume our project is located in “I:\Xojo\Enigma\Untitled” for futher references. Please note, in this example we are using special Enigma API functions, these functions start to work only after protection! Until the file is not protected, Enigma API functions won’t work.Ĭompile or Build the “enigma_ide_32bit-Unicode.xojo_xml_project” as Windows x86 or 32 Bit Application with Xojo.